Using GPS data log: Drawing and Editing with Kashmir 3D

Kashmir 3D is a free mapping software. The image above is created by this software. Another great example of what this software can do for GPS data log can be found here.

This software has so many functions, but I will focus on functions related to GPS data log.

Installing Kashmir 3D

Download and install the followings from Kashmir 3D download page.

  • Kashmir 3D (I use Ver 8.6.9 Japanese)
  • SRTM plugin (maybe included in Kashmir 3D)
  • NMEA/IPS import plugin
  • Shuttle Radar Topography Mission SRTM-30
    No installation work needed, just put all .xem files into some folder.
  • Start Kashmir 3D, and drag & drop one of SRTM-30 .xem file, and you'll see the map.

Drawing US State Borders

  • Install Kashmir 3D GIS tool plugin
  • Download state border data
    Choose ArcView Export (so called e00 format. Note it's 40MB). After downloding, extract .e00 file from .zip file.
  • Start Kashmir 3D and choose file, open, GIS tool, AcrInfo Export file.
  • Choose .e00 file just downloaded. It takes about 10 - 20 minutes. Once you finish loading, it takes only 10 seconds since it will be read from "data depot" for next time.

Importing GPS data log (NMEA 0183)

  • Since Kashmir 3D's default geodic system is Tokyo, you should add the following one line to change this to WGS 84. You can also change geodic system by hand in Kashmir 3D after importing.
$PGRMM,WGS 84*06
  • Change extention of GPS data log into .nme or .nmea
  • Choose "tool", "NMEA/IPS file reading" in Kashmir 3D. Then choose .nme file to import.
  • In the dialog asking how much to cut data, put 1%, then push "start".
  • You can see detailed GPS track charts by "Edit", "GPS data edit", and edit (delete) outliers by hand. To find outliers, verocity and altitude charts are helpful.

Output map image

  • Set zoom to 0.25 times.
  • Right click the map and choose "map view" "shrink". Left click anywhere, then you will get more shrunk map.
  • Choose "Edit", "Select by latitude / longtitude", put N50,W-125 for top-left and N24,W-66 for bottom-right. You will get whole 48 mainland states in the USA.
  • Choose "file", "save image", "selected area", then you will have BMP image.